Today lawmakers finally received word that we’re returning to Springfield. House Republicans have been pushing for the legislature to reconvene for weeks, and we’re glad the Governor and Democrat leaders have finally heeded our call. We’ll be in session next week from Wednesday through Friday (May 20-22). The House of Representatives will hold session at the Springfield Convention Center and the Senate will meet at the Capitol. These changes will permit proper social distancing. Here is an informational document that was circulated earlier today which outlines procedures for the return to Springfield.
While I’m glad our calls to reconvene the General Assembly were heard, I can’t help but question the timing. Legislatures in states all around Illinois have been conducting business safely for weeks now during the COVID-19 crisis. But the Democrats who control the State of Illinois kept lawmakers sidelined until after the May 3 deadline for putting Constitutional Amendments on the November ballot passed. As a result, the only amendment question the people of Illinois will be able to vote on this November is Governor Pritzker’s graduated income tax initiative. Illinoisans were denied the opportunity to vote on critical reforms like fair maps and pensions. Many of us believe this was by design.
DuPage County to Offer Small Business Relief Grants

In an effort to assist small businesses and independent contractors impacted by COVID-19, DuPage County, in cooperation with Choose DuPage, is providing grants to assist with employee retention payroll costs, utilities and rent.
Small businesses with fewer than 15 full-time employees and less than $1.5 million in annual revenue may apply for a grant up to $15,000. Independent contractors with more than 50% of their annual income coming from 1099 work, and an annual income of less than $100,000 may apply for a grant up to $7,500. Businesses and contractors that have received other funds intended for COVID-19 relief are not eligible to apply. Applications will be accepted online beginning Monday, May 18. For additional information, click here.
An informational webinar about this new program is scheduled for Friday, May 15 at 11:00 AM. Click here to register for the webinar.