Rep. Amy Grant Features Recent St. Francis Graduate in July Student Spotlight

Hat’s off to Winfield’s Julian “Juju” Pointner, who is my Student Spotlight feature for the month of July! Last summer, following her junior year of high school at St. Francis in Wheaton, Juju participated in a program through College of DuPage and became certified as a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant).

Just before COVID-19 hit earlier this year, Juju started working at a local skilled nursing facility as a CNA, and has grown and matured more than just about any now-18 year old could have in these uncertain times. Kudos to Juju for setting such a great example of how young people can make a tremendous difference in the world despite their age. 

Juju will attend Marquette University in Milwaukee this fall, where she will study nursing through the school’s honors program. Congratulations to you Juju! Your hard work is inspiring!