
Friday, April 7, 2023
Story Time with Weekdays at Munday’s!!!

I got the chance to visit a local daycare program for story time! Weekdays at Munday’s is a local and professionally licensed day care ran by Jan Munday. She does…

Thursday, April 6, 2023
Youth Advocacy Council with State Senator Seth Lewis

This week I was able to attend State Senator Seth Lewis’s Youth Advisory Council. I got to speak to the attendees about government and being an elected official! They asked…

Saturday, March 25, 2023
Rep. Grant Teases Legislative Update

Yesterday was another late night under the dome in Springfield. I am doing my best to protect Illinois families and businesses from the continuously growing size of Illinois government. My…

Friday, March 3, 2023
Rep. Amy Grant Urges Colleagues to Support Disabled Veterans

Springfield, IL – State Representative Amy Grant is urging members of the General Assembly to support her proposal to clarify Illinois’ Disabled Veteran Property Tax Exemption. Currently, disabled veterans are…

Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Rep. Grant Meets with the DuPage Chapter of the Illinois Association for the Education of Young Children

I had a great conversation last week with the President of the DuPage Chapter of the Illinois Association for the Education of Young Children – Jan Munday and board member…

Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Rep. Grant Reacts to Budget Address

Representative Amy Grant (R-Wheaton) issued the following statement following Governor Pritzker’s State of the State and Budget Address.  “With his budget address, the Governor painted a rosy picture of our…

Thursday, January 14, 2021
Rep. Amy Grant Castigates Democrats for Disenfranchising Illinoisans’ Voices during Criminal Justice Reform Bill Debate

During the final hour of the 101st General Assembly, Democrats pushed through a criminal justice omnibus bill that made sweeping changes to law enforcement practices in Illinois. In response to…

Wednesday, January 13, 2021
Rep. Amy Grant Reacts to New Spending Approved in Final Hours of 101st General Assembly

While facing a $4 billion hole in the current budget, Illinois Democrats pushed through billions in new spending during the final hours of the 101st General Assembly (GA). Upon the…

Monday, December 14, 2020
Rep. Amy Grant Responds to Democrats’ Decision to End Special Investigating Committee Proceedings

On Monday, Democrats serving on a Special Investigating Committee (SIC) into the ethical conduct of Michael J. Madigan abruptly ended the committee’s proceedings and then voted that the Speaker did…

Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Rep. Amy Grant Responds to Arraignment of Four More from Mike Madigan’s Inner Circle in ComEd Scheme

Following the Wednesday arraignment of four more individuals charged with crimes associated with a nine-year ComEd-Michael Madigan bribery scheme, State Representative Amy Grant (R-Wheaton) issued the following statement: “We now…